Lyngblomsten staff presenting today at Odyssey Conference in Duluth
June 21, 2017

Two staff from Lyngblomsten Community Services—Carolyn Klaver and Lisa Brown—are sharing their expertise this afternoon at the Minnesota Age & Disabilities Odyssey Conference in Duluth. The conference is sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Minnesota Board on Aging, and it is being attended by over 1,000 professionals.
Carolyn (Community Dementia Care Specialist) is on a panel that will discuss respite care, and Lisa (2nd Half with Lyngblomsten Site Coordinator in White Bear Lake) is on a panel that will speak about REACH. This stands for Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health, and it is an approach used by trained caregiver consultants to support family members and others who are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
Lyngblomsten provides a wide array of services and support to caregivers, including a day respite program for persons with early- to mid-stage memory loss (The Gathering) and REACH caregiver consulting. For more information about these and other programs, visit
Congratulations, Carolyn and Lisa, and thank you for representing Lyngblomsten so well!