Lyngblomsten recognized twice on TV newscasts!
March 15, 2017

Two days in a row, Lyngblomsten was recognized on two separate TV newscasts for its work with persons with dementia and caregivers!
On March 13, KSTP aired a segment on a new initiative at Ramsey County libraries, called Memory Minders. They are kits that are available for persons with memory loss and those who care about them. Each unique kit contains a book with colorful illustrations, a music CD to soothe and spark memories, the book Caregiver's Guide to Dementia, and interactive activities such as puzzles, bingo, games, and conversation cards. Lyngblomsten helped sponsor the Memory Minders initiative.
On March 14, Sarah Jackson, editor of Minnesota Good Age magazine, was interviewed on KARE 11's "The Sandwich Generation" segment. She spoke about an article the magazine published in its March 2017 edition that was written by Sam Patet, a Writing Specialist in Lyngblomsten's Marketing Communications Department! The article—"Need a breather? Consider overnight respite for a brief getaway from your caregiving duties"—explains what overnight respite care is and lists nearby destinations in Minnesota that caregivers can travel to while their loved one is at respite.