The fundraising goal for this appealis$150,000. This is part of the $425,000 that the Lyngblomsten Foundation needs to raise in 2021 to ensure that 2nd Half with Lyngblomsten remains strong, forward thinking, and impactful for hundreds of older adults in the coming year.
Sometimes people wonder why Lyngblomsten needs donations when rent is charged for apartments and fees are charged for skilled nursing rooms. The simple answer is that those monies provide for our residential services—those living on our campus. Some monies are fundraised to help provide for the “extras”—like arts and lifelong learning programming or the major renovation just completed at the Lyngblomsten Care Center.
However, for those still living at home out in the community, the cost of providing services exceeds what can reasonably be charged to those using the programs. Participant fees cover some of the cost, aided by grants and by government reimbursement for some of the caregiver services. Because we are committed to keeping programs and services affordable for older adults, Lyngblomsten relies on generous donors to cover the funding gap.