Helping congregations train volunteers and volunteer leaders of care ministries for older adults
Care Ministry Network is an online platform that provides consistent, high-quality, standardized training for volunteers and volunteer leaders of congregational care ministries for older adults. Its goal is to equip your congregation with the tools it needs to support its unique ministry.
Offered through Lyngblomsten Community Services, Care Ministry Network is a new way to train volunteers. This online platform:
- Delivers high quality, standardized training to care ministry leaders and volunteers.
- Includes access to basic training modules, a video toolbox, extended enrichment education offerings and other resources.
- Offers trainees flexibility with materials that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
- Allows congregations to customize their training curriculum by selecting materials applicable to their volunteer programs
- Creates a support system for care ministry volunteers and faith community staff, including quarterly meetings with Care Ministry Network staff and members.
- And more!
Click here to download a PDF of the Care Ministry Network's Table of Contents of Curriculum.
The Care Ministry Network will host a free online "tour" for those interested in learning more about all the trainings we offer through the Care Ministry Network for volunteers and leaders of faith communities.
- Wednesday from 1-2 PM: February 5, 2025
Please RSVP by emailing or calling (651) 632-5330. After you register, a link to the Zoom session will be emailed to you.